Dr. Nathan Gonzáles
Moderator: Maj. Gen. Walter Givhan, (Ret.), ALWAC President.
231 Montgomery St, Montgomery, AL.
Reception at 5:30 pm CT, briefing at 6:15 pm, and question time till 7:30 pm.
Webinar via Zoom: login and social time, from 5:45 pm CT.
Dr. Nathan Gonzáles Mendelejis is an international affairs specialist serving as Assistant Professor of Strategy and Security Studies at the Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) in Montgomery, Alabama, where he works on the U.S. Air Force officers' distance learning curriculum, the Global College of Professional Military Education (PME), at Air University.
His research focuses on the intersection of geopolitics and identity-framed local conflicts, with an emphasis on Iran and its relations with neighbors. Currently, he is exploring the role of individual and group identity in terrorism and radicalization processes.
He holds the Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University in New York. He speaks Spanish, Iranian Persian, German, and Italian.
His personal website is http://www.nathangonzalez.com/
He is the author of these books:
The Sunni-Shia Conflict: Understanding Sectarian Violence in the Middle East (Orange County, CA: Nortia Press, 2009)
Engaging Iran: The Rise of a Middle East Powerhouse and America’s Strategic Choice (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2007)
and these articles and chapters:
“Toward a New Typology of Sunni Jihad,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 43, no. 12 (2020)
“Iran’s Maritime Aims: Persistent Approach, Changing Capabilities,” in Howard M. Hensel and Amit Gupta, eds, Naval Powers in the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific (London: Routledge, 2018)
“The Heteromation of Terrorism: Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of the Bots,” The National Interest (March 9, 2018)
“The Coming U.S.-Iranian Partnership: A Historic Nuclear Deal and a Glimpse into the Not-So-Distant Future,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (Spring 2016)
“More Ethnic than Religious: How the Islamic State Uses Religion to Attract Allies,” Salon (November 20, 2015)
(With Elliot Hen-Tov) “The Militarization of Post-Khomeini Iran: Praetorianism 2.0,” The Washington Quarterly (Winter 2011)
(With Elliot Hen-Tov) “The Other Side of the Militarization of Iran’s Regime,” Foreign Policy (December 21, 2010)