Jill Dougherty, "Russia and the post-Soviet region"

Moderator: Maj. Gen. Walter Givhan, (Ret.), ALWAC President.
THURSDAY, 23 March 2023 (a departure from our usual Tuesday meetings)
Jill Dougherty is Adjunct Professor in Georgetown University's Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies (CERES), and author of the Wilson Center's KennanX Podcast. An expert on Russia, she is also a Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. and a member of the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute Advisory Council.
Jill Dougherty worked as a correspondent for CNN for three decades, serving as White House Correspondent, Foreign Affairs correspondent covering the US State Department, US Affairs Editor, Managing Editor for CNN Asia/Pacific, and for almost a decade, as Moscow Bureau Chief. She is considered an expert on Russia and the former Soviet Union. Dougherty spent much of her career as a journalist and in 2014 began a career in academia. She currently is a Centennial Fellow and instructor at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service.
She has pursued research on Russia and the media as a fellow at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, at the Wilson Center, and at the International Centre for Defence and Security in Tallinn, Estonia.
She is a CNN on-air Contributor, commenting on Russia-related issues. Her current interests include disinformation and propaganda, journalism and the media. Her articles, book reviews and commentary have appeared in theatlantic.com; politico.com; wilsonquarterly.com; washingtonpost.com; cnn.com and other publications. She also hosts a blog on Russia issues sponsored by the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute: KennanX
She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Affairs Council, and speaks French, Portuguese, and Russian.
Her most recent, online, publications, include:

KennanX Podcast
KennanX is a podcast on our never ending quest to understand Russia, Ukraine and the surrounding region. Please find below information about all of our latest episodes and where to subscribe. The KennanX podcast is hosted by Wilson Center Global Fellow Jill Dougherty.
Here's the Wilson Quarterly latest edition:
And Dougherty's previous article:

Fleeing Putin
Jill Dougherty talks with Russian journalists who have fled their home country; they share stories of their personal journeys, professional shifts, and reflect on the future of Russia.