A review and assessment of the country that was Syria—its history, art, culture and people—and the tragedy that has befallen them and the world as a result. A frequent visitor to Syria, Dr. Sorenson’s pictures and insights will explain the politics and the human circumstances of this once beautiful land, its people and culture.
Dr. David S. Sorenson is Professor of International Security Studies and Chair, Department of International Security Studies at the Air War College, Maxwell, AFB, AL. He was formerly Associate Dean for Academic Studies at the AWC. Dr. Sorenson received his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver, and his BA and MA from California State University at Long Beach. He previously served on the faculties of the University of Colorado at Denver, Denison University, and the Mershon Center at Ohio State University.
A frequent visitor to the Middle East, Dr. Sorenson has published Lebanon: Global Security Watch. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers (2010), Interpreting the Modern Middle East, (edited), (Westview Press, 2010), An Introduction to the Modern Middle East (Westview Press, 2008, 2nd Edition 2013), and numerous articles and book chapters on Middle East politics, defense budget politics, and national security affairs. He is currently completing a forthcoming book on Syria.
Dave has addressed our group before over the years as one of the AWC Professors reporting on their regional and cultural studies trips. He is a frequent speaker at home and abroad on a variety of topics and is always well received for the insights he provides and his explanations of complex events in this troubled area. Please join us for what we are sure will be a most stimulating evening.
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