The Air War College's regional studies tours: selections from Asia, Europe and Africa
Moderator: Maj. Gen. Walter Givhan, (Ret.), ALWAC President.
231 Montgomery St, Montgomery, AL.
Reception at 5:30 pm CT, briefing at 6:15 pm, and question time till 7:30 pm.
Webinar via Zoom: login and social time, from 5:45 pm CT.
The particular speakers, drawn from the best of Air University's faculty, will be announced in due course. For over a quarter century, this has been one of the highlights of ALWAC's program offerings. The presentations are given soon after the return from regional tours, with fresh insights we have not usually heard from the television reporters and online media.
Dr. Margaret Sankey will speak on Thailand and the Philippines; plus a selection from Europe, and another from Africa.
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